Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One month gain, One year loss

So Monday ended my first month with Herbalife. It has been a great month. The last week was slow weight loss with only loosing almost 2 lbs. I do have to say though that as of today. I am back to my wedding weight. I have lost almost 26 lbs. I am at -25.8 lbs in 1 month. I can't believe that in 1 month I have gained more energy, more stamina, not be as sore after working all day with major cleaning projects. I have lost a year in weight gain. My jeans are fitting better than ever and I think I might have another pair that will fit but I want to wait maybe 1 or 2 more weeks before I try them on. I do have a goal to lose a total of 50 lbs by the end of the year. I would like to lose more but I would be happy with 50. Next year I will be bumping it up even more with being able to return to the gym after we have a more reliable car. I am hoping that by next summer I will be close to my high school weight and than I can just go from there. That will be a huge relief to have lost that much. I know that this is a long journey but I keep reminding myself of where I have come from.

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