I recently logged back into my blog and realized its been 5 long years since I have posted anything on this blog. What a wild ride the last 5 years have been too. My last blog dealt with a plateau even though I didn't realize what it was. It also dealt with the miscarriage of our first baby. I went on to get pregnant again in November of 2012 and miscarried 10 days after getting that positive pregnancy test. I basically gave up for awhile. I then started again with my Pastor's wife at the time but quickly became discouraged with things werent moving hardly at all. Adding on lots of stress and a cross country move and adoption classes and starting a church its been a crazy ride since then. However I haven't given up and I have renewed my resolve to get healthy and lose this weight once and for all. This blog is going to be brutally honest and I am going to be open with you guys in ways that I have never been with anyone including my own husband when it comes to my weight and to the very reason why I decided that this is it and that if I want to live to an old age I needed to take immediate action. I will be posting pictures that include myself before and maybe a few hints of after. I will also be posting food journals and my weight ( it's something that not even my own husband knows), also I will use this to show my ups and downs and gains and losses.
The reason why this has been so urgent this time is because its become a matter of my very own health and I had a very eye opening experience about 3 weeks ago. It actually started close to 2 months ago. I came down with a yeast infection and then a cold and then thrush. I was a very very sick lady. Over the counter medication was not cutting it and with a trip out of town I was downing lots of orange juice and high vitamin c juices to combat my cold as to not pass it on to my elderly grandparents we were going to see. I was so sick, and literally tired that I couldn't hardly function. I was also taking care of my two nieces ages 3 and 1 1/2. This trip ended up being quite miserable for me personally from being so sick. When we got home it had been 2 weeks since I had come down with the yeast infection that had now spread to my mouth as thrush and let me tell you that is horrible. I would never wish thrush on my worst enemy. Nothing tasted good and nothing sounded good. About the only things I could stomach was milk and orange juice. Everything just hurt to even try and eat. It was miserable. I went to the doctor and was given a prescription which took care of pretty much the infection. When my nieces went to be with their mom for a week a couple days after we got back I slept for well over 12 hrs and was awake for a couple of hours and then I slept all night again. I started to feel a little human again.
I then came across my glocumeter that I have to just keep a check on my blood sugar as diabetes runs in my family. When I first tested it all the meter said was high then it was 4oo+. That scared the living daylights out of me. I knew then it was time to get really freaking serious about my health. I made the decision right there in then that if for nothing else to get my blood sugar down it was time.
I cut out 98% of the sugar I was eating and carbs and a lot of fat. I started walking too, boy that first mile was tough. Now 2 miles is getting pretty easy. My goal is to be able to do a 5k next year. Between walking and diet changes my blood sugar has dropped down to the 240's and last night (10-08-17) and today (10-09-17) I got readings of 175. What a huge difference. I still need it to drop consistently about 75 more points. This has been with the help and grace of God. I have lost 26.8 lbs since August 16th.
I am noticing more and more how much more I feel better and have more energy and have the ability to walk more and farther without getting winded or feeling like crap. I also no longer need my mid day nap. This lifestyle has been so much easier than I thought it would be. I mean other times I would feel so deprived and struggle with saying no to my favorite sweets and bread and pop. This has been so much easier and God has really changed my taste buds even to the point sweets don't taste good pop doesnt taste good and I don't crave or really miss bread. Well this is long enough for today I will be posting and updating more frequently.
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