Tuesday, July 17, 2012

10 months

Wow! Almost a year as gone by since I have started this journey. Man I am nowhere near where I thought I would be. My goal was to lose 100 lbs before my 2nd anniversary and I feel like I am starting over this week from the beginning. This year started out rough with a dead stop in weight loss. I was very discouraged with this but I pressed on. Than I got pregnant and than miscarried a couple of weeks after finding out and I dealt with depression with losing our precious baby. I didnt really care for a little while about losing weight. So after a couple of months of not caring and pants starting to fit tighter than they did a few months ago. I decided that I wasn't giving up yet. I am still going to fight this battle and that I will face ups and downs but that as long as I don't give up I will never fail at this. The past few months hubs, myself and our roomie have been attending a new church. Oh how I wished I had found this church 6 years ago when I moved back or even 5 years ago when I suddenly found myself looking for a new church. I know that this was the hand of God that He moved us away from where we were to where we are. Our pastor's wife has lost 100lbs and is a personal trainer that is willing to work with me and the church even has a gym on location that is open to members of the church. I love that it is so close and way more convenient than any other gym I have ever been too. It's been great to have someone who is in house with you that is also working on losing weight and will go to the gym to workout with me. Let me tell you I am moving muscles that I never move on a regular basis lately. Going to the gym is one of the most relaxing parts of my days the past couple of days. I do it strictly for me. I am not going to let anything get in the way of it. No matter what. I plan on sticking with this, there is no excuse since I don't have more than a 5 minute drive nor do I have to work long there in about 30 minutes I am done with the whole routine. I hope to keep this blog up even more as I begin the journey again.

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